In-Office Document Availability

The following documents are available by visiting the Wood County Engineer's Office:


Current & Archived Tax Maps Through 1997
Aerial Photographs 1963, 1969, 1980, and 1983-1985
Digital Aerial Photography Please contact the Wood County Auditor's Office
Soil Survey Issued December 1966
Current Soil Survey Please contact Wood County Soil & Water Conservation District
Property Boundary Surveys Selective
USGS Quadrangle Maps Selective dates between 1951 and 1980
Subdivision Plats Available
Subdivision Construction Plans Available
Bridge Plans Available
Railroad Plans Available
Roadway Plans Available
Road Maps Available




We have made the following documents available for download. The following box works similarly to a file directory. Simply click the folder to view the content. If you click the link provided you should be able to download the subsequent document.

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File name
2299 C. H. Dierksheide.pdf
2298 Reed Smith.pdf
2297 Foster Stretchberry.pdf
2295 Rolland Gill.pdf
2294 Harold Bateson.pdf
2293 Woodville Mall.pdf
2292 Henry J. Kiefer.pdf
2291 Perrysburg Twp. Trustees.pdf
2290 Florence Iler.pdf
2289 Wood Co..pdf
2288 Dolores Dauer.pdf
2285 Lake Twp. Trustees Jt. Co..pdf
2284 Harlan Herr.pdf
2283 Floyd Baumgardner.pdf
2280 Joseph Wolf.pdf
2278 Vollmar.pdf
2277 Bloomdale Jt. Co..pdf
2275 Lawrence Reynolds.pdf
2273 Ralph Oates.pdf
2272 Village Of Custar.pdf
2271 Orville Rhoads.pdf
2270 Arthur Lause.pdf
2268 A. O. Rosendale.pdf
2267 Lewis Kramer.pdf
2265 Minnie Dauer.pdf
2263 T. A. Hartman.pdf
2261 William E. Singer.pdf
2260 Dale Schulte.pdf
2259 Eugene Miller.pdf
2257 Liberty Twp Trustees.pdf
2256 Mildred Snyder.pdf
2255 K. W. Recker Tri- Co..pdf
2254 Joan Dewyer.pdf
2253 Theodore Baker.pdf
2252 Ralph Erven.pdf
2251 Herb Martin Jt. Co..pdf
2250 John F. Kurfess.pdf
2249 Harry Wilcox.pdf
2248 Lawrence Fasnacht.pdf
2247 C. B. Stewart.pdf
2246 Earle Alexander.pdf
2245 Robert Erven.pdf
2244 Norris E. Euler.pdf
2243 Foster Stretchberry.pdf
2242 Lawrence Wagner.pdf
2241 Glen Reitzel.pdf
2240 B & R Mills, Inc..pdf
2239 Weston Twp. Trustees.pdf
2238 Harvey Koppenhofer.pdf
2237 Wm. Buchman.pdf
2236 Wood Co Ditch No..pdf
2235 Dale Ackenberger.pdf
2234 Delilah Puse Thorn.pdf
2233 Louis Wagner.tif
2232 Ross Twp Ditch Improvement.pdf
2231 Fred Phillips.pdf
2230 Elmwood Board Of Education.pdf
2228 S. A. Salisbury.pdf
2227 Victor B. Seeley.pdf
2225 Village Of Bloomdale Jt. Co..pdf
2224 Village Of Bloomdale.pdf
2223 Harold Kerr.pdf
2220 Lester Lusher.pdf
2219 Harry T. Ault.pdf
2218 Village Of Weston.pdf
2217 C. C. Schuff Jt. Co..pdf
2216 Harold Schuerman.pdf
2215 Katie Keller.pdf
2214 Ralph Guthrie Jr. Jt. Co..pdf
2213 Lake Twp Trustees.pdf
2212 Donald Emch.pdf
2211 Portage Twp. Trustees.pdf
2210 C. M. Saunders.pdf
2209 Viola Thomas.pdf
2208 Edwin Kohl.pdf
2207 Robert Coy.pdf
2206 Ellery Lusher.pdf
2205 Frank Vandersall.pdf
2204 Elmer Hahn.pdf
2203 H. B. Thomas.pdf
2202 Arthur Hoover.pdf