Surveys are filed under the township that they are in with the exceptions of the incorporated cities of Northwood, Perrysburg, and Rossford, which have a separate folder. Each survey is uniquely named in its respective folder based upon the tax parcel number that has been assigned to the subject parcel by the Wood County Auditor with a few exceptions that are explained below.

A sample file name for a survey in Freedom Township is 5120101-0002. The first three digits reflect the town and range, this this case Town 5 North, Range 12 East. The next two digits represent the section number, which for the example is 1 (01). The next two digits reflect the quarter section that parcel is in, with the northwest quarter being 01, northeast quarter 02, southwest quarter 03, and southeast quarter being 04. The last four digits are the survey number that was assigned by the Wood County Engineer when the survey was filed, so in the example this survey was the second survey filed for this particular parcel in Freedom Township (-0002).

It should be noted that the file name may not match the Auditor's tax parcel number exactly. Each survey was numbered to reflect the quarter section in which it resides, but not every section was broken down into quarter sections by the Auditor. That is to say, the tax parcel number may begin N54-312-1000, but the survey would be numbered 3121002 because it is a parcel in the northeast quarter of section 10.


Additional Examples

  • 4121203-0059 = T 4 N, R 12 E, Section 12, Southwest Quarter, Survey Number 59. This survey is part of parcel number L47-412-120000026000
  • 4113301-0212 = T 4 N, R 11 E, Section 33, Northwest Quarter, Survey Number 212. This survey is part of parcel number S64-411-330000007001
  • 6113602-0174 = T 6 N, R 11 E, Section 36, Northeast Quarter, Survey Number 174. This survey is part of parcel number W75-611-360000001001

Using the tax parcel number format applies to parcels in the incorporated villages, and cities as well. You will need to know what town, range, and section a parcel is in to locate land within the municipalities. For example, 5101303-0047 is a survey of lots 4639, 4640, and 4643 in Bowling Green Corporation. As you can see, the file format follows the tax parcel for these lots and not the lot numbers themselves.



There are two exceptions to the format of following the tax parcel in the file naming process. River tracts were all assigned 500 for the first three digits and road tracts were all assigned 600. The river tracts, and road tracts were not broken down into quarters. Therefore, if you have a parcel of land that is located in River Tract 53 the file name would be 5005300 followed by the survey number. The same goes for road tracts, a parcel in Road Tract 22 would be numbered 6002200, followed by the survey number.
