In-Office Document Availability

The following documents are available by visiting the Wood County Engineer's Office:


Current & Archived Tax Maps Through 1997
Aerial Photographs 1963, 1969, 1980, and 1983-1985
Digital Aerial Photography Please contact the Wood County Auditor's Office
Soil Survey Issued December 1966
Current Soil Survey Please contact Wood County Soil & Water Conservation District
Property Boundary Surveys Selective
USGS Quadrangle Maps Selective dates between 1951 and 1980
Subdivision Plats Available
Subdivision Construction Plans Available
Bridge Plans Available
Railroad Plans Available
Roadway Plans Available
Road Maps Available




We have made the following documents available for download. The following box works similarly to a file directory. Simply click the folder to view the content. If you click the link provided you should be able to download the subsequent document.

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Filter file list:  
File name
Hadnett's 1st and 2nd Subdivision-0211.tif
Hadnett's Subdivision-0211.tif
Hagemeister Acres-0161.tif
Hahn's Polo Place-0330-page1.tif
Hahn's Polo Place-0330-page2.tif
Halleck's Replat-0364.tif
Halsted Heights-0221.tif
Hamlet II Amended-0160D.tif
Hamlet II and Hamlet Amended-0160C-page1.tif
Hamlet II and Hamlet Amended-0160C-page2.tif
Hamlet II and Hamlet Amended-0160C-page3.tif
Hamlet II and Hamlet Amended-0160C-page4.tif
Hamlet II and Hamlet Amended-0160C-page5.tif
Hamlet Subdivision of Residential Lots 57 and 58-0160B.tif
Hammelburg Meadows Plat 1-0736.tif
Hammelburg Meadows Plat 2-0736A.tif
Hankey Hazel I Subdivision-0407.tif
Harbor Town Place-0773-page1.tif
Harbor Town Place-0773-page2.tif
Harbor Town Place-0773-page3.tif
Harbor Town Place-0773-page4.tif
Harley Woods Subdivision-0100-page1.tif
Harley Woods Subdivision-0100-page2.tif
Harley Woods Subdivision Replat Lots 6-7-0100a-page1.tif
Harley Woods Subdivision Replat Lots 6-7-0100a-page2.tif
Harmon Business Park-0260-page1.tif
Harmon Business Park-0260-page2.tif
Harmon Business Park-260a-page1.pdf
Harmon Business Park-260a-page2.pdf
Hart's Addition and Skinner's Allotment-0242B.tif
Hart's Addition Replat of Lots 138-155-0242A.tif
Haskins Dunbridge Road-0648-page1.tif
Haskins Dunbridge Road-0648-page2.tif
Haskins Dunbridge Road-0648-page3.tif
Haskins Dunbridge Road-0648-page4.tif
Haskins Dunbridge Road-0648-page5.tif
Haskins Dunbridge Road-0648-page6.tif
Hatton Millgrove Station-0023.tif
Hawthorne Plat 1-0502-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 1-0502-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 1-0502-page3.tif
Hawthorne Plat 1-0502-page4.tif
Hawthorne Plat 2-0502A-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 2-0502A-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 2-0502A-page3.tif
Hawthorne Plat 3-0502B-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 3-0502B-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 3-0502B-page3.tif
Hawthorne Plat 4-0502C-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 4-0502C-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 4-0502C-page3.tif
Hawthorne Plat 5-0502D-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 5-0502D-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 5-0502D-page3.tif
Hawthorne Plat 7-0502E-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 7-0502E-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 7-0502E-page3.tif
Hawthorne Plat 8-0502F-page1.tif
Hawthorne Plat 8-0502F-page2.tif
Hawthorne Plat 8-0502F-page3.tif
Hayes Place-0449-page1.tif
Hayes Place-0449-page2.tif
Hayes Place-0449-page3.tif
Hayes Place-0449-page4.tif
Hayes Place V8P5.TIF
Helen Drive Dedication Plat-0265.tif
Henry Township Section 35 Boundary Plat-0624.tif
Heritage Park Plat 1-0462A.tif
Heritage Park Plat 2-0462B.tif
Heritage Park Plat 3-0462C.tif
Heron Island-0601B-page1.tif
Heron Island-0601B-page2.tif
Hickory Hill-0415.tif
Hiddencove Addition-0584-page1.tif
Hiddencove Addition-0584-page2.tif
Hiddencove Addition-0584-page3.tif
Hidden Meadow-0724.tif
Hiett's Oregon Heights-0455-page1.tif
Hiett's Oregon Heights-0455-page6.tif
Highland On The River-0450-page1.tif
Highland On The River-0450-page2.tif
Hillcrest Addition-0346-page1.tif
Hillcrest Addition-0346-page2.tif
Hillcrest Addtion-0346-page3.tif
Hillcrest Place-0317-page1.tif
Hillcrest Place-0317-page2.tif
Hillcrest Place-0317-page3.tif
Hille Farms-0267A.tif
Hille Farms-0267B.tif
Hille Farms 1st & 2nd Replats Hille Farms Updyke Addition Hille Farms-0267B.tif
Hille Farms Allotment 2nd Repat No 2-0267B-page2.tif
Hille Farms Allotment 2nd Replat No 2-0267B.tif
Hille Farms Allotment Replat of Lots 16 Through 27 and the Westerly 60 feet of Lot 54-0267C.tif
Hille Farms Allotment Replat of Lots 16-27-0267C.tif
Hillsdale Drive Replat add to current.tif
Hillside Drive-0213.tif
Hilt Road Dedication Plat-0602.tif
H O Day Addition-0345-page1.tif
H O Day Addtiion-0345-page2.tif
Hoelter Addition Phase 2-0246B.tif
Hoelter Addition Phase 3-0246C.tif
Hoelter Addition Phase 4-0246D.tif
Hoelters Addition-0246.tif
Hoelters Addition-0246A.tif
Holefka Place-0214.tif
Holiday Park-0083.tif
Hollister's Addition-0305.tif
Home Acres-0607.tif
Homestead Addition-0215.tif
Homewood Addition Replat of Lot 1158-0306B.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 1-0760-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 1-0760-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 2-0760A-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 2-0760A-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 3-0760B-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 3-0760B-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 3-0760B-page3.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 4-0760C-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 4-0760C-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 5-0760D-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 5-0760D-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 6-0760E-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 6-0760E-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 7-0760F-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 7-0760F-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 8-0760G-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 8-0760G-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 9-0760H-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 9-0760H-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 10 Revised Drainage Easement-0760L.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 10-0760K-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 10-0760K-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 11-0769I-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 11-0769I-page2.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 12-0760J-page1.tif
Horseshoe Bend Plat 12-0760J-page2.tif
Hufford Road Dedication Plat-0618.tif
Hull Prairie-0033.tif
Hull Prairie Farms Plat 1-0726-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Farms Plat 1-0726-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Farms Plat 2-0726A-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Farms Plat 2-0726A-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Farms Plat 2-0726A-page3.tif
Hull Prairie Farms Plat 2-0726A-page4.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 1 Replat Lots 1 and 2-0061E.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 1-0061-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 1-0061-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 2-0061A-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 2-0061A-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 3-0061B-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 3-0061B-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 4-0061C-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 4-0061C-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 5-0061D-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Plat 5-0061D-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Village At Plat 1-0070-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Village At Plat 1-0070-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Village at Plat 2 Replat at Lots 30 & 31-0070B.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Village At Plat 2-0070A-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Village At Plat 2-0070A-page2.tif
Hull Prairie Meadows Village At Plat 2-0070A page 3.tif
Hull Prairie Rd Right of Way Dedication-0594.tif
Hull Prairie Right of Way Dedication-0293-page1.tif
Hull Prairie Right of Way Dedication-0293-page2.tif
Huss Subdivision-0631.tif
Hutchison Road Dedication-0266.tif